
Coordinates of the place

Navahrudak town, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region, 231400.

Latitude – 53.59706, longitude – 25.82268.

Point on the Google map

Distance (in kilometers) to all other points of our route along the highway

Barysaw — 231 km

Ziembin — 234 km

Smilavichy — 169 km

Lyubcha — 26 km

Izabielin (Padarosk) — 139 km

Krynki — 182 km

Bialystok — 213 km

Orla — 236 km

Tykocin — 243 km

Local guides and local historians in Navahrudak

You can contact local museums for regular excursions. For example, Navahrudak Local History Museum (Address: 2 Hrodzenskaya st., Navahrudak town, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region; Phone: +375 159 74-59-08; +375 159 74-49-16; +375 159 74-59-18). The list of its excursions and museum activities is available at.

But for the Jewish heritage and urban curiosities of Navahrudak and Lyubcha, we recommend contacting Tamara Vyarshitskaya (English, Belarusian, Russian languages). You can ask her contacts at the Local History Museum (at the address and phone above) or the Museum of Jewish Resistance (Address: 66 Minskaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region; Phone: +375 159 74-49-16).

Museums in Navahrudak

Navahrudak History and Local Lore Museum

The museum exposition presents the history and culture of Navahrudak district from the beginning of the city to the middle of the 20th century. The holdings include about 22,000 items of museum value, including 14 collections. In addition to museum tours, you can also order a newsreel viewing, and the residents of that time will look at you from the footage of the old Navahrudak. Afterwards, you can leave the building and look for the angles from which these shots were taken.

Address: 2 Hrodzenskaya st., Navahrudak town, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 159 74-59-08; +375 159 74-49-16; +375 159 74-59-18.

Coordinates: 53.599042, 25.823992.


Museum of Jewish Resistance

The museum opened in 2007. The memorial exhibition is dedicated to the resistance of the Jews of Navahrudak district during the Holocaust. It tells the story of the tragedy that took the lives of 5,100 Navahrudak Jews and the unprecedented resistance to the Nazis by those who remained alive after the four extermination campaigns. You can read more about it at.

The project was conceived and implemented under the leadership of Tamara Vyarshytskaya.  She is also the producer (co-producer with Michael Kagan) of the documentary Book of Curses, based on the diary written by the prisoner of the Navahrudak ghetto, Benyamin Berkovich. You can read the text of the diary in Russian.

and in English

Also, you can watch the tape here using the password 1247. Links to the text and video are taken from

Address: 66 Minskaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 15 974-49-16.

Coordinates: 53.598658, 25.840183.


Museum of models in the open air “Lost Heritage”

The museum does not have an address: it is located near the “Dom Byta” bus stop, on the 1st Lenina lane. In the open-air museum, you can see models of architectural monuments of Navahrudak district that have not survived to our time. These are the most significant objects of Navahrudak architecture of different years. Among the exhibits, there is a reconstruction of the Great Navahrudak Synagogue.

Coordinates: 53.596123, 25.823842.

Museum of mini-models Lost Heritage

The open-air museum, which was mentioned above, is the continuation of the museum of mini-models “Lost Heritage”, which is located in the Navahrudak District Library. Models of the Navayelnya-Lyubcha narrow-gauge railway, the Khraptovich’s Palace in Shchorsy are exhibited here. You will see the Navahrudak square of the beginning of the previous century.

The library staff will conduct an exciting journey around the Market Square. They will tell and show on models where there were banks, hotels, shopping galleries, shops, the Jewish district of Ratselo. You will hear interesting stories from the life of Navahrudak residents of those times.

Address: 1 Pervaha Maya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 159 76-64-80, +375 159 76-67-89, + 375 15 976-67-19.

Coordinates: 53.600095, 25.826861.


House-museum of Adam Mickiewicz

The Literary Memorial Museum is located in the house where the famous poet Adam Mickiewicz lived from birth. This is not only a biographical exposition, but also an open-air museum. A noble estate of the beginning of the 19th century has been restored here: the house, the outbuilding, the pantry, the well, and the pavilion. Musical and literary events take place in the house-museum, as well as dance costume events in the style of Empire times. According to local traders, the images of Mickiewicz and the Navahrudak Castle on magnets are the most popular souvenirs.

Address: 1 Lenina st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 15 973-42-12.

Coordinates: 53.598133, 25.82803.


Kastus Kachan’s picture gallery

Kastus Kachan’s private picture gallery is located in the very center of the town, near the entrance to the territory of the castle. This artist is called “the songwriter of the town”. Why? Drop by and ask. We did so and were satisfied with the meeting, and the talks, and the tea with homemade cookies. The gallery also sometimes hosts events. For visits, the gallery is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Address: 9 Zamkavaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 29 346-03-23, +375 29 676-90-38.

Coordinates: 53.600127, 25.825774.


Jewish cult buildings and places of power in Navahrudak

Jewish cemetery. It is located on Sadovy alley, in front of houses No. 8, 10 and 12. Around the end of the 15th century, on one of the hills in Navahrudak, a Jewish cemetery was laid, a significant part of which has survived to this day. From the end of the 19th or the beginning of the 20th century, there was a metal gate in the form of an arch resting on tall concrete pillars. There were several plaques with inscriptions on the gate.

With the establishment in the mid-1950s of the new common town cemetery, the Jewish cemetery was closed. Soon the entrance gate was destroyed, and one of the parts of the hill was used for garage construction. Today, the cemetery covers an area of about 1.5 hectares. About 700 tombstones have been preserved in the Jewish cemetery. The texts on them are written, with a few exceptions, in Hebrew.

The oldest surviving monuments at this cemetery date from the 18th century, the youngest from 1957. In 1997, a fence was erected around the Jewish cemetery, and on the top of this hill, a monument in memory of the Navahrudak Jews buried here, as well as the Jews of Navahrudak district who died or perished far from their homeland. The text on the monument is written in three languages: Belarusian, English, and Hebrew.

You can learn more about the cemetery in the book of the researcher of Navahrudak district Mikalay Haiba, “Cemeteries and Burials in Navahrudak: Local History Essay” (2000). An excerpt can be found on the local historian’s website.

Coordinates: 53.594940, 25.833197.

Navahrudak synagogue: a lost heritage. The synagogue of Navahrudak was opened in 1648, when the Jewish community bought the building from the Karaites. The synagogue was located almost in the center of the town, right behind the St. Michael Catholic church. The street on which the synagogue was located was first called Yaureyskaya (“Jewish”), in Polish times it became Kastsiolnaya (“Catholic church’s”), and then Savietskaya (“Soviet”). The baroque synagogue itself was called the Great Synagogue or the Great Cold Synagogue.

The Great Synagogue of Navahrudak survived two world wars, all revolutions and continued to work “under Poland”. After World War II, the building was converted into a warehouse. The history of the Great Cold Synagogue ended on July 2, 1964, when it was blown up. Now there is a large parking lot at this place.

Read more about the synagogue here and here. The reconstructed model of the synagogue can be seen in the Museum of Lost Heritage. For a video tour of the Navahrudak Choral Synagogue, see the link.

Coordinates: 53.596269, 25.823749.

Famous buildings that belonged to the Navahrudak Jews. Addresses: Lenina square, house No. 5 – Leipuner’s house, house No. 7 – the house of Izraelita and Klubok, house No. 10 – Dzelyatsitsky’s house.

Architectural units and other interesting places in Navahrudak that can be seen on the way

Navahrudak Castle. 2 Maly Zamak st. A unique monument of Gothic architecture of the 13th-18th centuries, the residence of the owners of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was included in the line of fortifications Lida – Kreva – Medniki – Troki. The castle is located in the center of Navahrudak on Castle Hill. In the 16th century, it had seven towers and was considered one of the most powerful of its time.

During the war of 1654-1667, the castle suffered significant damage. The final blow to the castle walls was delivered during the Northern War. By the beginning of the 20th century, only three towers remained from the upper part of the castle: the Watch Tower, the Shield Tower and the Church Tower. During World War I, the southern wall of the Shield Tower collapsed. Only in 1921, the ruins of the castle were tried to be taken under protection, and in 1922-30, partial conservation of the surviving walls was carried out. Only the ruins of the Shield Tower (Shchytowka) and the Church Tower, foundations and remnants of the walls have survived to this day.

Coordinates: 53.601454, 25.827796.

Parish Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 1 Maya st., 17.It was originally built in 1395 in the Gothic style during the reign of the Grand Duke Vytautas. In  1422, the Polish King Jagiello and Sophia of Halshany were married in the church. The church was rebuilt at the beginning of the 18th century in the Sarmatian Baroque style. In 1799 Adam Mickiewicz was baptized in there. The local priest conducts a tour of the church.

Coordinates: 53.601374, 25.830285.

Boris and Gleb church. 10 Pashtovaya st. The temple was built under the sponsorship of Prince Kanstantsin Astrozhski (Konstanty Ostrogski) in 1517-1519 on the foundations of the 12th century church. For a long time, the church was the cathedral of the Orthodox metropolitans of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Then it belonged to the Uniates of the Basilian Order. As a result of the reconstruction of 1624-1632, two towers were added to its facade. In the 19th century, it was again transformed into an Orthodox church. After World War II, the church building was used as an archive. Restored and opened for worship in the 1990s.

Coordinates: 53.600203, 25.824146.

St. Michael Catholic church: the former St. Anthony Franciscan church. 4, 6 Hrodzienskaya st. The monastery of the Franciscan order existed in Navahrudak as early as in 1323, and the wooden church of the order was built in 1434. The stone church and Franciscan monastery were built in the second half of the 18th century (1780). In 1831, the monastery was abolished, in 1846 the baroque church was rebuilt into St. MichaelOrthodox church (n honor of the patron saint of the Russian emperor). The building was completely rebuilt after the fire of 1852 and acquired elements of the Russian-Byzantine style.

Coordinates: 53.598732, 25.82349.

Orthodox Church of Michael the Archangel. 2 Savetskaya st.The monastery of the Dominican order in Navahrudak was founded in 1624 by Kryshtaf Hadkevich. The original wooden church was consecrated in honor of St. Jacek. Around 1724, a stone church was built on its place. The title of the shrine changed in the second half of the 18th century, when the church was rebuilt after a fire in 1751. Since then, the temple has been dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel. After the fire of 1831, the significantly rebuilt church took on a modern look. The Dominican school was closed in 1834, and the monastery, at the beginning of 1853. In 1948, the church was closed and used as a furniture warehouse; after a fire the building was left in ruins. In 1992, he was returned to the Catholics.

Coordinates: 53.597289, 25.824739.

Mosque. 28 Lenina st.The mosque in Navahrudak has been known since the 16th century. The wooden building that has survived to our time was built in 1855. During the Soviet era, it was closed and rebuilt into a residential building. It was in this condition until 1994, when it was returned to the faithful. In 1997, the mosque resumed its activities. The opening was timed to the 600th anniversary of Tatar settlement in Belarus.

Coordinates: 53.593811, 25.826106.

Shopping row. 3 Minskaya st.Built of bricks on the Market Square of the town in 1812 according to a typical project drawn up in St. Petersburg. In 1953, it was partially rebuilt to accommodate an industrial store. Nowadays it is also used as a commercial establishment. The larger building of the shopping row, which was located in the center of the square, has not been preserved.

Coordinates: 53.599160, 25.826591.

Buildings of Zamkavaya Street and Market Square. Lenina square. The residential buildings of Zamkavaya Street and Handlyovaya square (now Lenina square) of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century stand out. In the second half of the 19th century, houses 3, 7, 9, 13, 15 were built on Zamkavaya Street, forming a peculiar ensemble with features of baroque and late classicism.

Voivodeship building. 11 Mickiewicza st. Built in 1920-1930s.

Coordinates: 53.593853, 25.822109.

Voivode’s house. 9 Mickiewicza st. Built around 1925. Now it is the building of the district executive committee.

Coordinates: 53.594810, 25.823142.

Station: built as a railway station, now a bus station. 19 Mickiewicza st. Built in 1915.

Coordinates: 53.591962, 25.819037.

Transfer to Navahrudak

The best option to visit the location of our route, Lyubcha, (hyperlink to the location) is to stop in Navahrudak. There are only 25 km between them, and buses run daily. You can find out about the traffic schedule at the bus station in Navahrudak.

Navahrudak bus station help desk number:

+375 15 974-26-08.

There is no railway station in Navahrudak, so we suggest getting here from Minsk via Lida or Baranavichy by train, and then by bus.

Another option is to change two buses and go from Minsk through another interesting town of Karelichy, which is located very close to Navahrudak.

If you are heading to Navahrudak from Hrodna, then Lida will be the best intermediate point, because there is a railway between Hrodna and Lida.

Karelichy bus station help desk number:

+375 15 967-22-74.

Minsk Central Bus Station help desk number:

+375 17 251-14-11

Website of the Belarusian Railway:

Buses and taxi to Navahrudak

Lida – Navahrudak, distance 52 km:

Buses: Daily bus journeys.

Lida bus station help desk number: +375 15 454-76-76.

Taxi: You can use “Yandex-taxi” or private taxi. Here are their numbers: 152, 184, 7900, 158.

BaranavichyNavahrudak, distance 59 km

Buses: There are daily bus journeys.

Baranavichy bus station help desk number: 114, +375 16 364-18-25.

Taxi: You can use Yandex taxi or a private taxi. Here are some of their numbers: 161, 7007,7021, 157, 155, 161.

Karelichy – Navahrudak, distance 26 km

Buses: Bus journeys between towns on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays.

Karelichy bus station help desk number: +375-01596-72-274.

Taxi: At the time of writing this text, there was only one taxi service in Karelichy. Phone: +375-29-545-61-15.

Minibuses from Minsk

You can get to many Belarusian places from Minsk by the “Atlas” minibus.


Food, shops in Navahrudak

Kaviarnia café

An atmospheric small café with original recipes of coffee and sweets is located in a historical building, has a nice interior and a summer terrace.

Address: 4 Lenina square, Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 29 322-45-15.

Coordinates: 53.598887, 25.824211.


Café-restaurant Rym

A historical place that has not changed its name for many years, but at the time of our visit to the town was closed. Our guide tells interesting stories about the building and its decoration during a walk in the center of Navahrudak.

Address: 9 Lenina square, Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 15 972-09-70.

Coordinates: 53.599454, 25.825208.

Legenda café

You can find delicious hot dishes here, in the very center of Navahrudak. But you may be disappointed by the post-Soviet interior and not very welcoming reception.

Address: 1/2 Pashtovaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 44 737-77-33.

Coordinates: 53.599053, 25.824229.

Molodzyozhnoe café

Despite the name, this place is more like a lunchroom with tables at an intercity bus station of the early 2000s.

Address: 29 Savetskaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 159 72-05-68.

Coordinates: 53.753794, 26.062965.


Restaurant and cafeteria Svityaz

A real time machine: the Soviet style of interior and similar service.

Address: 3 Savetskaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 159 72-12-36.

Coordinates: 53.597300, 25.825397.

Garage café

Usual European cuisine and decent interior. It works until one o’clock in the morning, and on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays – until three in the morning. The menu can be viewed on the website

Address: 65 Mickiewicza st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 29 349-06-71.

Coordinates: 53.583153, 25.804744.

And a few more places we haven’t explored:

Kofeynya café

Address: 32 Frantsiska Skaryny st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Coordinates: 53.588600, 25.799363.

Kukhnya U Petrovny café

We know that fried (and other) dumplings and chebureks are definitely on the menu.

Address: 9A Drazdovicha st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 44 513-22-94.

Coordinates: 53.585639, 25.796929.

Kolibri café

Address: 3 Mickiewicza st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 44 561-95-85.

Coordinates: 53.595601, 25.823339.

Grocery stores in Navahrudak:

Kopeyechka, 1A Savetskaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Mayak, 17 Minskaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Pony, 7 Lenina st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Hit! Express, 37 Sverdlava st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Evroopt Market, 17 Savetskaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Rest in Navahrudak

Grazhina hotel

Comfortable hotel in an old building in the center: nice rooms with high ceilings.

There is no breakfast, but there is a kitchen with everything you need and a very nice terrace under the roof. The best room – with a balcony, book it for a romantic vacation and you won’t regret it.

Address: 5 Pashtovaya st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 29 125-10-68.

Coordinates: 53.599267, 25.823977.

Novogaz hotel

More suitable for business travellers. Located on the edge of the town, in an industrial zone, but with breakfast.

Address: 44 Valcheuskaga st., Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 15 94-52-09.

Coordinates: 53.596508, 25.811723.


Places of rest we haven’t explored:

Crocus hotel

Address: 1 Maya st., 57/1, Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 159 74-30-00.

Coordinates: 53.604348, 25.841728.

 “Guest House in Novogrudok” hotel

Address: 17 Verasnya st., 36, Navahrudak, Navahrudak district, Hrodna region.

Phone: +375 29 304-97-73.

Coordinates: 53.606987, 25.818030.

(Infrastructural information was prepared by: Victoria Lapanik, Ksenia Tereshkova)

Other locations of the route


Infrastructure Town’s coordinates Barysaw town, Barysaw district, Minsk region, 222511. Latitude –


Town’s coordinates Zembin agrotown, Barysaw district, Minsk region, Belarus, 222133. Latitude – 54.35915,


Infrastructure Town’s coordinates Smilavichy town settlement, Cherven district, Minsk region, 223216.